Welcome to ThreadABead’s 2019 Christmas project!
Standing at just over 10 inches (25cm) long this project is a fully beaded Santa and his Reindeer pulled sleigh!
Over the course of 3 parts we will assist and guide you through every step in creating a detailed work of art that will be treasured, admired and enjoyed for many years to come.
This document is a supplement to Part 1, and if we know some of our beaders, you are up for a challenge and you will not want just two reindeers but the full eight pulling Santa’s sleigh!
Of course we know some of you might want to add a certain red nosed reindeer, so we also tell you how to amend the reins for this too.
n this document we have provided patterns for a further 6 saddles and the amendments needed to the reins to carry eight reindeer.
Please note, this is a supplement to Part 1 and to fully understand this document you must have purchased Part 1.
We are providing this document for free as a little bit of fun after several people who saw the project wanted to know if we were going to bead all eight reindeer and we thought, why not! Of course, the sleigh looks great with just two reindeer but if you fancy a challenge we hope this document will help you out.
Component Pack to make 6 reindeer are available from: https://www.threadabead.com/2887/2/Reindeer-Expansion-Component-Pack